Sunday, November 4, 2007

A Puppy

Ok soo...last week i had to go into Arcadia Pet Store to buy something. This pet store also has puppies. So im looking at the puppies and i see a Yorkie. He is two months old. I took him out and held him and fell in love with him. He is soo adorable. After that, i went home and begged my parents for the dog. They said no, because we already have 2 dogs. This upset me because I want the puppy sooo bad, and he is soo cute. I would take care of it and everything. Almost everyday after that i go and see the puppy for a few minutes. I know, i know you must think im crazy but if i cant take him home, its the only thing i can do. Ive been trying and trying to get my parents to agree, but it seems to just not be working. I took a picture of him as you can see. He is just too cute.

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