Monday, November 19, 2007

Getting My Wisdom Teeth Out

This friday, I got all four of my wisdom teeth taken out. When i woke up from the sugery, I couldn't feel anything. My mouth was numb and puffy and there was no pain. I remember saying to myself, wow this isn't so bad. About an hour or two later, I was home lying on the couch and all of a sudden, the horrible pain came. The pain was unbearable. My doctor has prescibed me vicadins, but they were at the pharmacy, and i wouldnt have them for another half hour. So that half hour, was the longest and worst half hour ever. Tears were comming from my eyes it hurt so bad, and i couldnt sit still. Finally, when i get the medication, it was such a great relief. That night i had a horrible sleep. When the medication wore off, i would wake up and stay awake until i could take it again. The next morning i woke up, and my face was even more puffy. I could barley talk, barely open my mouth it felt as if my jaw was locked. All i did, was lie on the couch all day, sleep, pretty much do absolutley nothing. Again, sleeping was horrible, i barley slept. I would get up in the middle of the night, feeling so weak like i needed to eat something. Eating was another horrible thing. Eating all mush pretty much. Chicken broth, pudding, mashed potatoes. Thats pretty much it. And I had to slurp everything down. It is not fun. By sunday night, i had finally began to feel a little bit better. I was able to talk a little bit easier, and it was easier for me to drink. Today, which is Monday, my face is still a little bit swollen, and i still have some pain, but i am eating and drinking a little bit easier, and talking alot easier. The only thing is that it hurts to smile or laugh, and that i one thing that i do alot. I hope that by tomorrow and the next day that i am so much better and that i can finally eat real food again.

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